æst, est (to be, is)g
= English is; German ist; Spanish esta,es; Latin est; etc.
madær (mother) = Eng. mother; Dutch moeder; Sp. madre; Grm. Mutter; Lat. mater; Greek meter; Hindi matri; PIE mater
pedær (father) = Sp. padre; Lat. pater; Grk. pateras; PIE pater
bæradær, bradær (brother) = Eng. brother; Du. broeder; Grm. Bruder; Phrygian brater; Latvian bralis; Armenian eghbayr; Hindi bhrata; PIE bhratar
dokhtær (daughter, girl) = Eng. daughter; Du. dochter; Grm. Tochter; Lithuanian dukte,dukterine; PIE dugheter
næ, ne (no) = Hind. næ; Eng. no; Sp./It. no; Lith. ne; Fr. non; Du. nee
ne-/næ- (prefix to make verb negative) = Lith. ne- (prefix to make verb negative)
nist (not) = Grm. nicht; Pol. nie
to, tu (you) = Sp./It./Fr. tu; Lith./Latv. tu; Grm. du; Irish tú; Faroese tú; Eng thou; Arm. dow; PIE tū̆ etc.
mæn (i,me,mine) = Eng. me,mine; Lith./Latv. man; Grm meine; Sp. me; etc.
nam (name) = Eng. name; Du. naam; Grk. onoma; Fr. nom; It. nome; Sp. nombre; PIE h'nomn
no, nu, nau, nava, novin (new) = Eng. new; Du. nieuw; Grm. neu; Fr. nouveau; Sp. nuevo; Hin. navina; Lith. naujas; Irish nua; Pol. nowy; Rus. novyj; Grk neos; Lat. novus; Arm. nor
setare, ester (star) = Hin. sitara; Eng. star; Grk. asteri; Du. ster; PIE h'ster
jævan (young) = Sp. joven; Lith. jaunas; Fr. juene; It. giovane
morde (dead, death) = It. morte,morto; Sp. muerte; Fr. mort; Lat. mortuus; Pol. martwy; Rus. mertvy; Hin. mrita
dadæn (to give) = Sp. dar; It. dare; Grk dino; Anct. Grk. dido; Pol. dawać; Ru. davat; Bosn. dati; Latv. dot; PIE do-
porsesh, porseju (question) = Ru. prosit (to ask),vopros (question); Sp. pregunta; Grk. parakalo (ask); PIE prs,presk- (question)
pendar (think, thought) = Eng. ponder; Sp pensar
æz, ze, z (from) = Grm aus; Rus. iz; Pol. z
derækht (tree) = Lat. drus; Ru. derevo; Pol drzewo; PIE dero,doru,dru
gærm (warm) = Phryg./Illyrian germe; Hin. garma; Arm. jerm; Grk. thermos; PIE gwher-
mush (mouse) = Eng. mouse, PIE mus
khers (bear) = Grk ursus; PIE hrtkos,bher; PIE k̑er(s)- (bristle,stiff hair)
gav, gau (cow) = Eng. cow; PIE gwous
kerm (worm) = Sanskrit krmi; PIE krmis
murcheh (ant) = Grk. murmos; PIE mouro
zanu (knee) = Fr. genou; Lat. genu; Anct Grk. gonu; PIE genu
naf (navel) = Eng. navel; Skt. nabhi-; PIE h'nobh
dændan (tooth) = Eng. dentist; Grk. odon/donti; Lith. dentis; Sp. dientes; Lat. dens; PIE h'dont
gush (ear) = Grk. ous; PIE hous
æbru (eyebrow) = Eng. brow/eyebrow; Grk ophrus; PIE bhruh
pa (foot) = Sp. pie; Fr. pied; It. piede; Latv. peda; Rus. pjata; PIE pods
kul, kule (back, something to put on back) = Lat. culus (back); PIE kuhlos (back)
pestan (nipple) = PIE pstenos (nipple)
ab, ap, ava, aua (water) = Lat. aqua; Sp. agua; Grk apopatos (water closet); PIE ab-
atæsh, azær, azer (fire) = Latin ater,ignis; PIE āt(e)r-
mah (moon) = Eng. moon; PIE meh'not/mens
ki (who) = It. chi [pro. ki]; Sp. quien [pro. kien]
che (what) = It. che [pro. ke]; Sp. que [pro. ke]
dær (door) = Eng. door; PIE dhwor-
sepas (thanks) = Rus. spasiba
zæn, zen, jhæn (woman/wife) = Bosn. zena; Rus. zhena (wife)
bærbær (barbarian) = Eng. barbarian; Ltn. barbarus; Anct. Grk. barbaros; Skt. barbara-
zæmin/zemin (Earth), Zeme (ancient Iranic god of the Earth) = Pol. Ziemiia; Rus. Zemlja; Lith. žemė; Latv. Zeme
zende (alive), zendegi (life), Anct. Pers. jiva (life) = Pol. Żywy (alive); Latv. dzīve(life)
læb (lip) = Eng. lip; PIE lē̆b-,lō̆b-,lāb-,leb-
meydan (city/park square or center) = Engl. middle; Sp. medio (middle); PIE medhi-, medhi̯o- (middle)
domb (tail) = PIE dumb-
chane (chin) = Eng. chin
bæd (bad) = Eng. bad
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1046
امتیاز مطلب : 17
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
ن : Ali
ت : چهار شنبه 1 خرداد 1392